Imagine everyone growing a significant amount of their own healthy food, in the yard, on the porch or inside under a light.
And imagine neighborhood sharing of food, and the resources for growing food, with most of those resources coming from our own neighborhoods: the leaves and wood chips from our yards, as well as the food waste and coffee grounds from our shops. Imagine a network of sharing, that extends throughout the city and beyond.
Imagine growing healthier food, and healthier relationships.
Imagine working together.
Good Earth Commons.
(Cover) “crops can stimulate biology and build a large reserve of plant available nutrients that completely displaces the need for any soil applied fertilizers.” – John Kempf, Applied Eco Agriculture
More details coming soon. We will meet at 1571 Melrose Dr..
Good Earth Commons seminars are offered as a studio, meaning we intend to explore together, and we make no pretense of having all the answers. We seek good questions, and a sense of curiosity.